Strong characters: Matthias Weber

In our series “Strong Characters” we introduce them: The people behind the scenes at ESSERT Robotics. In this interview, Matthias Weber (33), automation technician.
Hello Matthias. Thank you for taking the time!
Please introduce yourself and tell us something about your work at ESSERT.
Hi, my name is Matthias Weber and I am now 33 years old. I have been working as an automation technician at ESSERT Robotics since May 2018 and am responsible for programming our robots.

An exciting topic. Can you explain the process in more detail?
Sure. Basically, the first step in a new customer project is to define the tasks across the various departments.
For example, the design department starts designing the automation solution and we automation engineers are then involved at a later stage with a clear task definition.
In the end, we are told the automation process and what the tasks of the robots used for it are. After that, the work begins and you start programming.
You just mentioned “WE”. Is teamwork important in your tasks?
Matthias: Absolutely! There are actually always two of us working on the software. On the one hand, there is a PLC programmer and on the other a robot programmer. Mutual consultation is particularly important here. We talk about how we envision the PLC running as the higher-level controller of the automation solution and how we envision the robots running. In this way, we ensure perfect interaction between all modules and components.
In addition, there are important meetings with all project participants. This means that information is not lost and we create transparency.
That sounds like a lot of variety to me. Is the variety important for you?
Matthias: Well, I love the challenge that every new project brings with it. With our robot platform, we cover a wide variety of processes, and the fact that we are not tied to a specific industry means that there are always very exciting use cases. That’s a lot of fun for me!
Also that my job involves being on site with customers. You get to know new people and gain a better understanding of customer needs through such field assignments. That helps immensely in my work! Apart from that, of course, it also brings some variety. *grins
Nice. Thank you Matthias. Tell us something about your private life! I think you like to be outside a lot, don’t you?
Matthias: That’s right, I like to be in nature and try to do a lot of sports. Apart from that, I’m married and we have a great 4-year-old son at home.
Are sports and family a balance to your job? As a programmer, you spend a lot of time in front of the computer.
Matthias: laughs Oh, I think as a programmer you inevitably like to sit in front of the computer in your private life and gamble sometimes, for example. But of course, I think that sports and being out in nature are important and create a balance. Just like my family.
Matthias, thank you for your time.
Matthias: Very, very much so.